Global Touch Foundation is working to see lives of people to be changed and transformed, we are now living in the age of world devastation and catastrophe, from Pakistan to Indian, from Congo to South Africa, people are facing natural disasters, diseases, epidemics, pandemics, AIDS HIV and malnutrition. These chaotic events around the world have caused people to live in suffering conditions and resentment.
Now with your monetary help, we can change, transform and affect lives.
Fighting HIV/AIDS:
Addresses the effects of this crisis with families, communities, organizations, corporations and local governments; Poverty is both a cause and consequence of HIV/AIDS. The impact of the disease is disproportionately high in the developing world, which is home to more than 95 percent of the estimated 40 million people infected with HIV/AIDS. In response to this global crisis, Global Touch Foundation strives to give people information and tools to protect them. We promote grassroots efforts to mitigate the effects of HIV/AIDS in poor communities, and help local organizations better respond to local needs.
In the corner of each of the above services or products, there is a tab of donation; the website provides an easy access to supporters to give their financial support
Access Africa:
Fighting against poverty, to Ensure 30 million people in 39 countries have access to a set of basic financial services by the next decade. Some 550 million people in sub-Saharan Africa – more than the entire population of the United States, Canada and Mexico combined live on less than $2 a day. For them, each day is a struggle. They simply do not earn enough to meet their needs.